Ruth Keeler Memorial Library





The Town of North Salem is located in the northeastern corner of Westchester County, New York. It encompasses 23 square miles and is noted for its open lands, lakes, and reservoirs. Some 50 miles north of New York City, the town has a population of 5,200 and includes Croton Falls and Purdys hamlets.

The North Salem Free Library, now called Ruth Keeler Memorial Library, was started in 1932 in two rooms on the main floor of the Town House, with 1600 books. The North Salem Improvement Society was instrumental in the library’s founding, continued to operate until its incorporation in 1935, and provided funding for many more years. In 1939, it moved to the North Salem Grade School (since burned down and replaced by the firehouse). The State of New York granted the library an absolute charter in 1952. The library was moved back to the Town House in 1957, until the current library building was constructed in 1980. A major expansion and renovation doubled the library’s size in 2003. The project was funded with private donations, more significant gifts, and selling a “square foot” to community members. At the direction of the executors of the estate of Ruth Keeler, a North Salem resident and benefactor, the remaining debt was paid off. The library was renamed the Ruth Keeler Memorial Library in tribute to her generosity.

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The library’s distinctive logo was designed by the famous graphic designer Ivan Chermayeff; the firm of Chermayeff & Geismar & Haviv was responsible for countless logos, including Mobil, National Geographic, Smithsonian, and PamAm. Chermayeff was born in 1932 in London. His father, Serge, an architect and Russian immigrant, moved the family to the United States, where Ivan attended school. Chermayeff was a resident of North Salem for a time and a friend of Edward Burlingame. The library renovation and expansion was completed in 2003, and Ed Burlingame, a library trustee, asked Chermayeff to design the logo. He graciously agreed.

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