Ruth Keeler Memorial Library





Do you deliver books, DVD’s and audiobooks to the homebound? 

Yes, we do. The library will deliver books, magazines, DVDs, and audiobooks to homebound North Salem library patrons. For more information please call the library at 914-669-5161

How do I get a library card?

Anyone who lives, works, or pays school taxes in North Salem is entitled to a free library card.  Simply come in with some form of ID showing your North Salem residency and we will gladly issue you a card.  With a library card, you will be able to check out materials not only from the Keeler Library, but from the entire Westchester Library System.
A library card is a financial responsibility; you are accountable for all materials borrowed on your or your child’s library card.  Furthermore, you must advise the circulation desk of any changes in your name, address, or phone number.  Please report lost cards immediately.

Children of all ages are entitled to get library cards.

How do I donate books?

Beginning in approximately mid-April, we will accept donations of books to be sold at the annual Book, Bake, and Plant Sale held over the first weekend in May. We will not accept encyclopedias, condensed books, smelly or moldy books. The library reserves the right to accept or reject books donated books. 

Patrons frequently express interest in donating a book to the library’s collection as a tribute or memorial for someone. We are more than happy to assist you in this process. For guidance, please consult with a librarian.

How do I reserve or renew a book, magazine or AV item?

We’re eager to assist you, whether it’s face-to-face, over the phone, or through email, so feel free to contact us. If you’d rather manage things independently, simply click the ‘My Account’ button and follow the steps provided.

Renewing an item if someone else is waiting for it is not always possible.


How can I suggest ideas for programs to be held at the library?

We are always looking for exciting program ideas. Please contact the director for adult programs and youth services for teens and children’s programs. We do not offer programs designed to sell a product or service. We are delighted always to co-sponsor programs with local non-profit organizations.

How do I get notified about overdue items and holds?

When you set up your library card, you choose how to be notified. You can select email, text, or by phone.

How do I ask a librarian a question?

For inquiries about reference materials, book or movie recommendations, clarifications on fines, or any other relevant questions, please reach out to the library via email at

How do I register for a program?

Should registration be necessary for a program, this will be clearly indicated in its description. We encourage you to check our program calendars for detailed information on specific programs.
