Do you deliver books, DVD’s and audiobooks to the homebound?
Yes, we do. The library will deliver books, magazines, DVDs, and audiobooks to homebound North Salem library patrons. For more information, please call the Library at (914) 669-5161.
How do I get a library card?
Anyone who lives, works, goes to school, or pays school taxes in North Salem is entitled to a free library card. Simply come in with some form of ID showing your North Salem residency, and we will gladly issue you a card. With a library card, you will be able to check out materials not only from the Keeler Library but from the entire Westchester Library System.
A library card is a financial responsibility; you are responsible for all materials borrowed from your or your child’s library card. Furthermore, you must advise the circulation desk of any changes in your name, address, or phone number. Please report lost cards immediately. If you lose your card, there is a $3.00 charge to replace it.
Children of all ages are entitled to library cards.
How do I donate books and other things?
Beginning in approximately March, we will accept donations of books, CDs, and DVDs to be sold at the annual Book, Bake, and Plant Sale that is held over the first weekend in May. We will not accept encyclopedias, condensed books, smelly or moldy books. The library reserves the right to accept or reject books because of their subject matter or condition.
Patrons quite often want to add a book to the library’s collection in honor or memory of someone. We are delighted to help you with this. Please check with the library director for details.
How do I reserve or renew a book, magazine or AV item or pay my library fines?
We are happy to help you in person, on the phone, or by email, so please contact us. You can download the Westchester Library System app in the app store if you prefer to do it yourself. If you need help with this, please stop by the library. We will be pleased to help you.
Following the practice of other Westchester public libraries, the library abolished fines for overdue materials in the fall of 2021. We believe penalties could burden some families and discourage families from taking out children’s materials. Lost items still must be paid for. An un-returned or renewed item becomes lost after 30 days. A library card will be blocked if the items cost over $25. While many county libraries have abolished overdue fines, not all have, and charges on items from those libraries will still accrue.
How do I give a program at the library or suggest ideas for programs?
We are always looking for interesting program ideas. Please contact the library director with any program suggestions. We are delighted always to co-sponsor programs with local non-profit organizations.
How do I reserve a room at the library?
How do I borrow an item from outside the county?
We regularly borrow books or microfilm or get articles from outside the Westchester Library System. We are unable to borrow AV materials, and generally, colleges will not lend books that have been published in the last six months. We submit these requests to the Interlibrary Loan staff at WLS, and they facilitate it. They do not charge for this service, and we do not charge. Sometimes, however, a lending library (generally colleges) will charge. We will not go ahead with the request without notifying you first and getting your approval for a charge.
How do I get notified about overdue items and holds?
You can be notified by phone, email, or text from the Westchester Library
Forgot Your Library Card?
We now have an app you can download to your phone with your digital library card on it. You can see what you have out when items are due and renew items. You can search the catalog, put up to 20 items on hold, and stay updated with the latest RKML events.
How do I ask a librarian a question?
If you have reference questions, want a good book to read or a movie to watch, or have any other pertinent questions, please email the library at info@keelerlibrary.org or call us at 914-669-8042
How do I register for a program?
Please visit our program calendar for program registration instructions and/or requirements. Not all programs require registration.
276 Titicus Road, North Salem, NY 10560
© 2016–2023 Ruth Keeler Memorial Library. All Rights Reserved. Website by MSM DIGITAL